The Jack russell was one of the more popular breeds amongst those searching for small dog breeds, however, as the search for hypoallergenic dogs has become more and more popular, the jack russell breed has been seeking its hypo-allergenic counterpart. The Jack Russell Terrier is a phenomenal little breed. They’re celebrated for its exuberance, intellect, […]
Toilet training is complicated, and one of the questions I get quite often as a puppy expert, is “When should I start toilet training?”. Honestly, it’s asked of me so much. And I get it! There’s so much information out there, and all your friends, family, your breeder, your vet, etc all have an opinion, […]
Playpens are one of those things that’s becoming a pivotal tool for the success in raising a pup. Trust me – I know what it’s like. Your puppy asleep, peaceful and content, so you get up to do a thing (maybe even just go for a shower) and you come back, there’s a pee, two […]
The desire to own a purebred dog often stems from the appeal of a companion whose lineage, temperament, and appearance are consistent with a specific breed standard. Kennel club registrations from esteemed organizations like the Kennel Club, American Kennel Club (AKC), United Kennel Club (UKC), Canadian Kennel Club, and Continental Kennel Club act as a […]
Is there much worse than sitting down for a family meal and getting a dog or puppy jumping all over you, or whining for table scraps? Personally, it’s something I hate, but that boundary is a challenge and really frustrating to train. It’s a hole I noticed in my own dog’s training – and as […]